Friday, December 09, 2005

JMAC Billis and Diaz

JMAC team Army and Navy

Complete Sweep of all events at JMAC

Complete Sweep of all events at JMAC

Complete sweep of at events at JMAC

Tug of War team after victory

Tug of War team after victory

tug of war in action

BOC Gonzalez at JMAC

Tug a war team

McCallum getting ready for the run

JMAC fans

JMAC fans from Delta Co

JMAC fans

JMAC fans

Sexy Beasts at JMAC Lft to rt BOC Cook,Cole,Coleman,Tobin,Beatty

Looking down from barracks, sexy beasts evilishly scoping out the F-18 on the left

Entrance to Pensacola NAS for JMAC

BOC Garrison asleep just before inspection

BOC Petry choking Eisenberger

Sunday, November 27, 2005

getting for inspection BOC Hardwick and Beere

Gonzos weapon disassembled

Combatives BOCs Moncivias and Blankenship, Eisenberger getting into too

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

BOC Motter after being drenched with water and attempting to exit

BOC Beere and Dragan entraping BOC Motter from 3rd PLT in the stall

Gonzos M249 SAW

Sexy Beasts in the Sun

Left to right, from back to front, IOCs Beatty,Hardwick,Purka,Moncivias,Kaness,Dragan,Vivian,Boden,Cole,Tobin,Ko,Estrada,Petry,Garrison,Coleman,Cook,Tyson,Wynn,Bush,Gilbert,Washington,Miller

18 BOC Gonzalez after PT

Giving the exam is BOC Eisenberger, the victum is BOC Coleman

Monday, November 07, 2005

1st PLT getting ready for inspection

Combatives BOC Estrada under Comas

BOC Gonzalez display for inspection

Getting for inspection BOC Hardwick and Beere

Gonzo's weapon disassembled

BOC Motter after being drenched with water and attempting to exit

BOC Beere and Dragan entraping BOC Motter from 3rd PLT in the stall

BOC Beere and Dragan entraping BOC Motter from 3rd PLT in the stall

Gonzo's M249 SAW

Lft to right BOCs Beatty,Hardwick,Purka,Moncivias,Kaness,Dragan,Vivian,Boden,Cole,Tobin,Ko,Estrada,Petry,Garrison,Tyson,Wynn,Bush,Gilbert,Washingto

BOC Gonzalez after PT

Lft to Rt BOCs Estrada,Kaness and his halo,Bush,Petry

Giving the exam is BOC Eisenberger, the victum is BOC Coleman

BOC Estrada taking care of Kaness, under the supervision of CPT Hammonds

BOC Estrada adminastrating a bandage on Kaness. Cpt Hammonds directing BOC Blankenship observing

Lft to rt, BOC Estrada,interviewer from the left wing media Kaness,Bush and Petry.

BOC Eisenberger

BOC Moncivias

Lft to rt BOCs Estrada,Petry

Lft to rt BOC Eisenberger,Garrison,Beere,Tyson,close up on Tobin,Coleman,Cook,Wynn